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Birthday Surprise with the Cousins
We missed the annual Kalaloch camping trips of the past two years, so it was nice to visit and catch up with Lisa’s cousins and their families this evening. And they surprised Lisa with a birthday cake and candles to cap off a fabulous salmon dinner.

Need Some AIR From Our Airbnb
It is 9:20pm in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We survived the deluge of heavy rainfall while walking around downtown, scurrying back to our rental vehicle under the measley cover of our one British pound umbrella purchase in Bath of all places. After a half day of flying from Newark, New York via a one-hour layover at […]
The London One Day Pass Whirlwind Tour
Background: Lisa and I had been to London four years ago and hit the major tourist sites. However, we didn’t visit St. Paul’s Cathedral or Westminster Abbey, saving it for another time. That time was now. Also, after watching the movie “Darkest Days” and learning more about Winston Churchill through our background reading on World […]

Well, This Sucks Part 2
Recap: We hoof our way up to the train station after our taxi cab fails to show up. We get super wet due to the steady rain. But we arrive in time to get our 10:26am train to Bath. But not known to us until we look up at the departures screen is the word […]