Getting out of my comfort zone — not something I’m really good at, but I try. There are things in this world that I don’t like to do, or maybe I haven’t tried because I don’t think I’ll like it. Well, I have decided to create a 30 “day” list of things that I am going to challenge myself to do. Most will probably be food challenges, but I know that I will be able to come up with more. So this particular post will be one that is on-going as I add and complete my list — once I attempt one of the challenges listed below, I will devote an entire post to that experience! It might not say much, might even say “Hated it!” But at least I can keep honest with myself and meet the challenge as it presents itself. I have no timeline, it will happen when it will happen. So I challenge you to do the same — make your own 30 “day” challenge and give it a try!
My 30-Day Challenge List
- Try kombucha
- Meditate for ten minutes a day for at least 21 days straight
- Try sake
- Eat eggplant
- Eat mushrooms, and not just as some small pizza topping