Day 1 – took a Lyft car from Elizabeth New Jersey to the cruise terminal in Brooklyn. Originally was going to to use public transportation via the bus and Subway, but at a cost of 40 bucks, it was actually only $10 more to take Lyft and shave off an hour and a half on our journey. We made a quick stop at the wine shop to get a couple bottles of wine before arriving to our cruise terminal at 12:30. We went through passport control, security checkpoint, and after a little bit of a wait 2 officially check in, we were on board and in our room my 1: 30 pm… Had we taken the original plan on the bus, we would still be enroute, so it definitely paid off to spend a little bit more to get to the cruise terminal faster and on board.
For the next week we will be crossing the Atlantic Ocean, no ports of call and no stops, just chugging along towards England. We are well stocked with hooks, games, podcast and magazines, but what I have realized is that this Cruise has a bunch of activities crammed into every single day. This sailing also honors World War II veterans with special programs and presentations. I read up on World War II over the last few days, so I am ready to hear some stories and learn more from first hand accounts.
This is the first time we have ever been on the Cunard cruise line, and I had the impression that it was too stuffy, too formal and attracted too many old people. However, what I have found over the first few hours on board is that it skews young, with a number of kiddos and a fair number of passengers that are my age.
Lisa and I did have to pack a number of fancy dress up clothes and I bought my first tuxedo just for this occasion, so we will see how that goes. But so far, so good. This will definitely be a different vacation from the one we had a few weeks ago in Costa Rica and Mexico…and no internet?!! How will we ever survive? And with that, this will be our last blog post until next Friday…